Arts, Museums & Galleries
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Garcia Opera House
The Garcia Opera House is located at 110 Abeyta Avenue West in Socorro, NM. It is a National Historic Site and is owned and operated by the Garcia Opera House Foundation.
Navajo Fine Jewelry and Collectibles
Navajo Fine Jewelry and Collectibles offers a wide variety of local, handmade products.
Museums and Historical Sites: The History of Socorro County
Have a yearning to learn about Socorro County? Visit our museums and historical sites and feel the knowledge run through your veins.
Isidro Baca Park
Flanking the Plaza in Socorro’s historic district, the beautiful Isidro Baca Park honors Socorroans who served in the U.S. Armed Forces.
Macey Center
The spectacular Macey Center houses art of all kinds. Home to the New Mexico Tech Performing Arts Series it is host to live performances from national acts which hail from all over the country.
Socorro Community Theater
The Socorro Community Theatre usually produces two fall shows per year, one in the fall during Festival of the Cranes, and another in spring/summer.
Socorro County Arts Gallery
Socorro County Arts is dedicated to promoting the visual arts, performing arts, literary arts, and creative crafts in Socorro County, New Mexico.
Socorro Heritage Museum
The mission of the City of Socorro Heritage and Visitor Center is to create a publicly owned facility to preserve, display, and maintain valuable items of historical significance; therefore, our heritage.
Downtown Socorro: Shopping, Entertainment and Much More
Downtown Socorro is in the hub of the Socorro Historical District Scenic Byway.
3 Cranes Fine Art Gallery
Beautiful art abounds at the 3 Cranes Fine Art Gallery. View the works of artist A. Leon Miler as well as other local artists.
Historic Plaza: Kittrel Park
The idea of a plaza as a geographic center of a community dates back to ancient times, making Socorro’s Historic Plaza a testimony to historic custom and culture.
Hammel Museum
The Hammel Museum started as a beer garden and, in the intervening century, became successively a brewery, an ice plant, a soda bottling plant, and finally ended as an active industry still making ice.
New Mexico Tech Performing Arts Series
A slate of high-quality touring performances – popular and classical music, theater, dance and family entertainment – held in the intimate Macey Center Theater on the New Mexico Tech campus.
New Mexico Tech
New Mexico Tech is an undergraduate and graduate university specializing in science and engineering education and research.
City of Socorro Historic Walking Tour
The only district in New Mexico to be named a scenic byway, the Socorro Historical District Scenic Byway is steeped in culture.
Art Lovers: Local Art for Artists, Collectors and Admirers
Whether you are a collector, an artist or just love to admire a great work of art Socorro County has what you need in abundance! Galleries in SOCORRO and MAGDALENA show off the talents of local artists.
Mineral Museum
The Mineral Museum houses the collection of 15,000 mineral specimens and was assembled to assist with the education of the engineers and geologists.