Upcoming Events

New Mexico Tech Performing Arts - Yagody
Yagody TICKETS Organized by New Mexico Tech Performing Arts Series The Ukrainian band “YAGODY” originated after Zoriana Dybovska’s previous project in Donetsk. In 2010, Mykola [...]

APAS Yard Sale
APAS is not accepting clothes, books, old computer equipment, or broken items. For more information call 303-842-0344.

New Mexico Tech Performing Arts - Talkoproject
TAIKOPROJECT Organized by New Mexico Tech Performing Arts Series TICKETS TAIKOPROJECT was founded in 2000 in Los Angeles, California by a group of young, emerging taiko [...]

Senior Easter Social
Join Us for the Senior Easter Social! Thursday, April 17th City of Socorro Senior Center Lunch served from 11:00 AM - 12:00 PM Dance from [...]

New Mexico Tech Performing Arts - Presidential Chamber World Music Series IV: Camerata Del Sol
Presidential Chamber World Music Series IV: Camerata Del Sol Organized by New Mexico Tech Performing Arts Series FREE Camerata del Sol is an innovative group of [...]

Striders and Riders Easter Egg 5k
Find eggs "hidden" at the finish! Click for more information.

City of Socorro Easter Egg Hunt
Join Us for the City of Socorro Easter Egg Hunt! Spring is here, and it's time for a fun-filled Easter Egg Hunt in Socorro! Bring [...]

Family FunFest
CYFD and Positive Outcomes are hosting the next annual Family Fun Fest on 4/19. Please share! Vendor Registration: https://forms.office.com/pages/responsepage.aspx?id=diL-z6MzO0-dH-6OTuOx2ebjCcMLH5pIotXYr_XKLtFUNUxaNkg2WkFMUU9FUkU1S0MzV0cwTkpENC4u&origin=QRCode&route=shorturl Event starts at 10am!

Spring Migration Celebration
Join Holly Merker and Alex Harper for a weekend of learning at the Bosque del Apache! Register here! https://friendsofbosquedelapache.org/smc/

Connor's Causes 5k or 1-mile walk for Cystic Fibrosis
Benefit for Cystic Fibrosis! Striders and Riders: Click for more information. Connor's Causes: Connor's Causes 5k or 1-mile walk for CysticFibrosis
Memorial Day
The Socorro Heritage and Visitors Center will be closed in honor of Memorial Day. A little about Memorial Day... "Memorial Day, an American holiday observed [...]

Community BBQ
Free Community BBQ May 31st Sedillo Park 11:00 am - 3:00 pm Community resources will be available and if anyone would like to set up [...]